The IAI Elementary and Secondary Education major panel will meet on Wednesday, March 5th, at 10:00 am to 2:30 pm, Illinois State University Alumni Center, Rm 119, Normal, IL, and via Zoom Web Conference and conference call. An updated agenda will be provided closer to the meeting. For more information regarding agenda/meeting items, contact the panel managers, Justin Bradley, at, ph # 217/689-5197. For questions about the remote meeting technologies, contact the iTransfer team at, ph #309-438-8640/2421.
Note: Zoom Web Conferencing is available. Invitation and connection information will be sent to panel members via email with a calendar invite. Further meeting information will be included in the invitation.
GPS Address Location:
The Alumni Center is located at 1101 N. Main Street in Normal, north of Fairview Park.
Meeting ID: 309 438 2421
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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Meeting ID: 309 438 2421