The IAI Early Childhood Education major panel will meet on Wednesday, March 6th, at 10:00 am to 2:30 pm by Zoom Web Conference and conference call. An updated agenda will be provided closer to the meeting. For more information regarding agenda/meeting items, contact the panel managers, Justin Bradley, at, ph # 217/689-5197, or Melvin Harrison, at, ph # 217-525-5003. For questions about the remote meeting technologies, contact the iTransfer team at, ph #309-438-8640/2421.
Note: Zoom Web Conferencing is available. Invitation and connection information will be sent to panel members via email with a calendar invite. Further meeting information will be included in the invitation.
Voting on courses in the iManage system will be opened for this panel on February 15th at 8:00 am. Courses will continue to be received through March 1st at 5:00 pm. Please be sure to vote on all courses before the panel meeting.
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