COURSE RETIRED: 08/15/2021 - A first course in quantum physics using calculus. Topics must include quantization; the atom; solid state physics and conduction; nuclear physics; and elementary particle physics. Three and four credit courses must spend time equivalent to at least two credits on the preceding topics, but must also include at least two of the following topics: gravitation; fluid statics and motion; waves; geometrical optics; physical optics; relativity; thermal physics.
Description reviewed and minor update 10/17/2019
Previous revision - 04/06/2017PANEL REORGANIZING MAJOR COURSES beginning Spring 2021 - SEE PHY 915A, 915B, and 915C. Courses should be moved one of the new courses as soon as possible. 07/08/2021 - See the reorganizing information for the PHY major at: Current courses approved in PHY 913 and 914 remain active with current code for now.