Focuses on mathematical reasoning and the solving of real-life problems and appreciation, rather than on routine skills. Three or four topics are studied in depth, with at least three chosen from the following list:
· geometry· counting techniques and probability (both are required for this topic)· graph theory· logic and set theory (both are required for this topic)· mathematical modeling· mathematics of finance· game theory· linear programming, including the simplex method· statistics· voting and apportionment (both are required for this topic)
The use of calculators and computers are strongly encouraged. Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.).
Last Revision: Panel added "including the simplex method" to the description - Spring 2023 - 03/24/2023Topics clarified – Spring 2022 – 03/11/2022 – Effective Fall 2022Prerequisite Revised – Fall 2017/10-27-2017 – Effective Spring 2018Tweaked Spring 2018 – 03/09/2018 – effective Fall 2018