RETIRED effective 01/01/04 NOTICE: The panel has decided to retire IAI Code BIO 911, BIO 912, BIO 913, BIO 914, and BIO 915. These courses descriptions will remain on the system; however as of 05/15/04 they will no longer be active IAI Categories. The Panel has decided to add BIO 910 to replace the BIO 911/912 and BIO 913/914/915 sequences. Those courses that are currently assigned to BIO 911/912 and BIO 913/914/915 will remain active until the courses have been officially reassigned to the new IAI codes BIO 910.Organismal Biology, Ecology and Evolution. An introduction to structure and function of major groups of microorganisms, fungi, animals, and plants. Emphasis on evolutionary relationships and ecological principles. Laboratory required.Biological Science Core Courses: BIO 911 & BIO 912.These courses may be taken in reverse order since some schools offer the cellular and molecular emphasis in the first biology course for the major and the organismal biology emphasis in the second course. The first course also fulfills Illinois Transferable General Education Core Curriculum (iTransfer Gen. Ed.) requirements.To guarantee credit students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer.